Eagleplayer V2.00 - by Henryk Richter and Jan Blumenthal\x0aCopyright (C) 1993-1997 by DEFECT SOFTWORKS\x0a---------------------\x0aDEFECT is proud to present the Eagleplayer V2.00. The release date is\x0a31.08.1997. This program is shareware. If You like it please send a\x0adonation to the authors. The Shareware fee is $US 20 or 20 DM.\x0aThe registered users will get the disks with the latest release\x0aversion of Eagleplayer. Send registrations, bugreports, new Replay-\x0aroutines or anything else to:\x0a\x0a-- Buggs -- -- Eagleeye --\x0aHenryk Richter Jan Blumenthal\x0aStephan-Jantzen-Ring 47 Erich-Mühsam-Str.33\x0a18106 Rostock 18069 Rostock\x0aGermany Germany\x0aTel: +49 (0)381/1208867 Tel: +49 (0)381/83979\x0a\x0aE-Mail: henryk.richter@stud.uni-rostock.de\x0aor jan.blumenthal@stud.uni-rostock.de
MSG_MN_AboutCredits (412//)
Credits `n` Greetz:\x0a -----------------------\x0aMainprogram : Eagleeye & Buggs\x0aEngines : Buggs & Eagleeye\x0aPlayers : Buggs & Eagleeye\x0aGFX : Buggs, Eagleeye, Ramon & M.U.D.U.\x0a\x0aGreetings goes to Captain Bifat of TEK & Infect
MSG_MN_AboutDistribution (413//)
Distribution\x0a--------------\x0aThe Eagleplayer is distributed as a single lha/lzx file and may not be\x0aspread incomplete. The files belonging to the Eagleplayer are \x0alisted in the Documentation guide files.\x0aWe don`t accept any liability for damages of hard and software caused\x0aby this program. Use it on your own risk!\x0aPD Distributors who want to include this piece within their offers\x0aand PD series have to contact us BEFORE they include this program\x0ato get the latest release version. Exception: Releases to be found\x0aon Aminet, those are always the latest.\x0a-> Mallander Software is it not allowed to distribute this package\x0abecause of making money with sceneproducts and stolen pictures\x0abeing created for non profit purposes, this is Amiga, not PC, dude!
MSG_MN_AboutLooking (414//)
We`re still looking for\x0a-------------------------\x0a* new module formats and their playroutines (when possible, at\x0aleast 5 testmodules)\x0a* non Soundtrackermodules and Technomodules of all kinds\x0a(your list please !)\x0a* Replays: Jason Page, Dynamic Synthesizer, Art of Noise,\x0aSymphony\x0a* Modz: Soundmaster, Actionamics, LME,MET, Digital Mugician II\x0a\x0aAlways remember for not registered guys: NO DISK NO ANSWER !\x0a(and don`t forget the stamps (german stamps or IRC)
MSG_MN_AboutRegister (415//)
Why should you register yourself ?\x0a------------------------------------\x0aThis is the unregistered version of Eagleplayer. In the registered\x0aVersion you can use a lot functions e.g. Save Module, WarningMode\x0amore Preferences, Load Before & more & better engines ...\x0aIf you pay the Shareware you get the latest Release with more & more\x0anice features!\x0aAnd you`ll help us developing further versions of\x0athis great program.
MSG_MN_AboutRRegister (416//)
Who is registered for this version ?\x0a----------------------------------------------\x0aThis is the registered version of Eagleplayer. Please accept if you\x0aspread the Key-File you will lose your permission to use the\x0aEagleplayer and and maybe it leads to juristical follows !!!\x0aThe Eagleplayer is registered to:\x0a\x0a%s %s\x0a%s\x0a%s\x0a%s\x0a%s\x0aUserID: %ld
MSG_MN_TR_KeyHasAFault (417//)
Attention !\x0a---------------------\x0a\x0aThe Eagleplayer-Keyfile is corrupt! If You are a\x0aregistered user please demand a new keyfile but\x0aif You are an unregistered user delete it or\x0abuy a PC!
MSG_MN_TR_KeyIsDisabled (418//)
Attention !\x0a---------------------\x0a\x0aYour Eagleplayer-Keyfile is disabled! You are not\x0aallowed to use this version of EaglePlayer!
MSG_MN_TR_Config (419//)
Error whilst reading config.\x0aCommand-Error in Line %ld.\x0a\x0a'%s'\x0a(%s)\x0a
The selected soundmodule\x0a%s\x0aalready exists! Overwrite?
MSG_MN_TR_SaveAsPT (422//)
The selected soundmodule\x0a%s\x0acan't be saved as Protracker!\x0aSave it as %s ?
MSG_MN_TR_Protection (423//)
The selected soundmodule\x0a%s\x0ais protected! Deprotect it?
MSG_MN_TR_SmallModule (424//)
The loaded soundmodule %s\x0ais %ld Bytes %s than the calculated\x0asize! Abort loading?
MSG_MN_TR_ModuleFault (425//)
The loaded soundmodule %s\x0ahas %ld faults! Abort loading?
MSG_MN_TR_AudioAlloc (426//)
I can't allocate the audio-channels\x0aMay I retry it ?
MSG_MN_TR_RippError (427//)
The Eagleplayer recognizes a possible\x0a%s-module.\x0aNo player could be found. Please check\x0ayour configuration. Sorry.\x0a\x0aModulename: %s
MSG_MN_TR_EmulatorError (428//)
The Eagleplayer recognizes a inadmissible Tag.\x0ain the Taglist of %s.\x0a\x0aTagvalue $%lx
MSG_MN_TR_IllegalFunction (429//)
Attention. A Player has called an illegal function.
MSG_MN_TR_ErrorLoadingInstruments (430//)
Error loading Instrument:\x0a%s
MSG_MN_EPBy (431//)
Eagleplayer V2.00 by Jan Blumenthal & Henryk Richter
MSG_MN_GA_Ok (432//)
MSG_MN_GA_Yes (433//)
MSG_MN_GA_Config (434//)
MSG_MN_GA_RetrySkipCancel (435//)
MSG_MN_GA_SmallModule (436//)
MSG_MN_GA_Global (437//)
MSG_MN_GA_Credits (438//)
MSG_MN_GA_Distribution (439//)
MSG_MN_GA_Looking (440//)
MSG_MN_GA_Register (441//)
MSG_MN_AboutKey (442//)
MSG_MN_HideKey (443//)
MSG_MN_TR_RegisteredNormal (444//)
You have activated a function which\x0awas preserved for registered users.\x0aBecause of that reason this NERVE\x0aREQUESTER is shown.\x0aYou may test this function and play\x0aaround with it but please notice that\x0athe settings of this option won`t be\x0asaved within the configuration unless\x0ayou register Eagleplayer.
MSG_MN_TR_RegisteredSaveModule (445//)
Sorry, this function is disabled in the\x0aunregistered Eagleplayer. Please support\x0athe Shareware-idea, do your registration\x0aand help us developing Eagleplayer any \x0afurther. Thank you.
MSG_MN_GA_Registered (446//)
MSG_MN_NervRequest (447//)
Generic Nervrequest
MSG_MN_TR_RegisteredStart (448//)
You have started the unregistered\x0aEagleplayer. You may test it and\x0aplay around with it but please notice\x0athat the settings of this some options\x0awon`t be saved within the configuration\x0aunless you register Eagleplayer.
MSG_MN_Fr_LoadList (449//)
Select a list to load!
MSG_MN_SW_LoadList (450//)
Select new list!
MSG_MN_Fr_SaveList (451//)
Select a list! to save
MSG_MN_SW_SaveList (452//)
Save list!
MSG_MN_PM_LoadList (453//)
load modulelist
MSG_MN_PM_SaveList (454//)
Save modulelist
MSG_MN_NewListLoaded (455//)
New list loaded.
MSG_MN_By (456//)
MSG_MN_ModulImFastMem (457//)
This Module is situated in the Fast Memory!
MSG_MN_ChipRamAmplifier (458//)
This Amplifier supports up to 4 voices to be played directly by the hardware. Therefore it requires the modules to be loaded into chip memory.\x0a\x0aIt was written by Buggs of Defect.
MSG_MN_FastRamAmplifier (459//)
This Amplifier supports up to 4 voices. It is able to play modules from fast memory without any quality loss.\x0a\x0aIt was written by Buggs of Defect.